Trump Calls for Police Brutality

Trump made some shocking remarks, shocking to any American who believes in the Constitution and the rule of law.

Trump was talking about shoplifting and engaging in one of his riffs of lies, this time about shoplifters walking out of stores with refrigerators strapped to their backs, and police being threatened with the loss of their jobs if they interfered. (I don’t know if the shoplifters were supposed to be eating cats at the same time.) It was really nut-ball stuff.

Trump said that the shoplifting problem would be solved if the police were allowed to get “really violent” for a day and “one rough hour — and I mean real rough.”

Politico phrased it this way:

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday called for “one real rough, nasty” and “violent day” of police retaliation in order to eradicate crime “immediately.”1

By way of explanation:

The remarks — delivered by Trump at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, just 36 days before the election — did not amount to a new policy proposal, according to a Trump campaign official.

Quiz question for extra points: Which constitutional guarantees does this violate?

Of course such things would not be a problem for Trump as he has Secret Service protection. I wonder if he is trying to cause national violence over widespread police brutality so he can show how great he is by bringing in the Army to kill people.

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